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eCommerce Development Solutions

Why eCommerce solutions?

E-commerce is rapidly transforming the way in which enterprises are interacting with each other as well as with consumers and governments, as a result of changes in the landscape of ICTs, e-commerce is now growing rapidly in several emerging markets and developing economies, electronic technologies will continuously and progressively be deployed throughout the entire supply chain of all industries.
Thanks to the advancements in technology and the popularity of the internet, more and more people are turning to the web for a variety of purposes. The internet is no longer limited to searching for information or connecting with people but it’s a platform where you can also buy and sell products and services.
It’s clear that commerce has changed tremendously over time. In 2017, retail e-Commerce sales around the world reached $2.304 trillion, a 24.8% increase over the previous year, according to eMarketer.

Benefits of using our eCommerce Solutions:

“CodeShip is one of the best e-commerce website design and development companies in Arab Republic of Egypt and the MENA region that offers the best-customized e-commerce websites solutions in Egypt providing a variety solutions of B2B and B2C e-commerce websites with all the online store processes, helping managers to track their inventory, add or remove products, process of payments, computing taxes and fulfilling orders. CodeShip offers all the needed things to run and manage an online retail store effectively”

  1. 24/7 Opening:
    One of the most business advantages of using our e-commerce solutions is that it keeps your online store open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. Increase your Global Business Opportunities:
    You have a global market you can sell your products to anyone, anywhere in any location in the world with the relation to the above which allows you to sell anytime.
  3. Low Start-Up and Running Costs:
    By calculating the expenses, you will find out that it cost less for operating an online store than running a brick-and-mortar store where you will have to pay for renting space in a prime location, employ sales staff, and paying for other utilities.
  4. Can be Used to Expand a Retail Business:
    e-Commerce solutions offer the option of selling many products more than the traditional retail stores which has a limited inventory/storage space to fit all your products as online stores it has no limit of inventory/storage space to constrict the number of products that you can display and sell since more people are shopping online nowadays, this allows you to sell more, offering products organized in organized web pages that can easily be searched and viewed by customers.
  5. Increase Income:
    Keeping your shop online 24/7 to the global online shoppers means that you have the potential opportunity to create a passive income stream from all over the world.
  6. Customer Information Can be Stored:
    By storing customers’ information it can be used easily for delivering a personalized shopping experience even creating a loyalty program that offers customers personalized discounts or offers for loyal customers through this stored information.
  7. Ease of Access by Customers:
    Your online retail store is made up of products, pages, and information that you present to your customers, it is mainly designed for attracting, appealing, and enticing your customers, with easy methods and features for customers to search and navigate through the whole online store easily.
  8. 24/7 Quality Online Customer Service:
    Our e-Commerce solutions provide you with the main features for offering customers the best online shopping experience and service, from easy product selection, order, and checkout, to convenient online payment, shipping, and delivery and for sure live customer service methods.
  9. Manage Everything From One Place -DashBoard-:
    A great dashboard that shows the real-time performance and details of your online web store and inventory tracking, while you can add, edit or remove any products easily.
  10. Online Payment Process:
    A fast and easy checkout process while providing the encryption to keep your customer’s information secure creates a more seamless and convenient experience for your customers.

“An e-Commerce website is an online portal allows you to sell products or services to your online audience while having an e-Commerce platform offers a plethora of benefits to shoppers. But, what about retailers, what are the benefits to a retailer of having an eCommerce online solution?”

E-Commerce Platform Will Support You To:

  • Expand your customer reach.
  • Gain access to customer data easily.
  • The ability to manage a high number of orders.
  • Scale easily.
  • Sell Internationally.
  • Low financial costs.
  • Easy customers remarketing or retargeting.
  • Customers get a less invasive experience.
  • A showcase for the best-sellers.

Request your professional e-Commerce website solution from the best web development and designing providers company CodeShip in Egypt and the MENA region, request your customized online store now.

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